What is Backward compatible?

If software is backward compatible, it is compatible with earlier (superseded) versions of the same software. For example, the Microsoft word-processing program Word 2010 can read files created in the 2003 version of the same program, so it is backward compatible. What is in reverse viable (in reverse similarity)? In reverse viable (otherwise called descending viable or in reverse similarity) […]

What is Attachment?

An attachment is a document sent with an email message. Many types of files can be sent this way (e.g. Word documents, PDFs, Excel files, JPEGs). Be wary of attaching large files because these can take a lot of time for the recipient to download. If you have a large file, it is considered good practice to compress the file […]

What is Assistive Technology

Assistive technology refers to any software or hardware that acts to assist and improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. Examples include wheelchairs, prosthetics, voice-to-text technology, and text-to-speech technology. Introduction Assistive innovation (AT) alludes to “assistive items and related frameworks and administrations created for individuals to keep up with or work on working and consequently advance well-being”. It permits […]

What Does Analog Mean?

Analogue is a conventional method of transmitting data. Standard landline telephones use analogue technology. It is distinct from digital technology, which provides for greater quality and speed of data transmission. What’s the Analog Mean? Simple, with regards to innovation, alludes to signals got from actual peculiarities that likewise might be deciphered as signs addressing actual estimations. Light or visual contribution, […]